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Changes were made to the law on ignition interlocks in 2017.  One of the big changes is that now most convicted, first-time DUI offenders are required to install an ignition interlock system in their vehicles. Another big change is that now many DUI offenders can regain their driving privileges without serving their full license suspension through the issuance of an ignition interlock limited license.

What is an Ignition Interlock?

It’s a device installed in vehicle to prohibit an individual under the influence of alcohol from operating the vehicle. The driver must blow into the device before starting the vehicle. If the device detects alcohol, the vehicle won’t start.  

In addition, periodically while operating the  vehicle, the driver is prompted to blow into the device to ensure they are not under the influence. The interlock system is leased from a vendor, who is licensed in Pa (similarly to mechanic garages that are licensed to do state inspections).  The average cost for installation, and monitoring is about $900-$1,300 yearly.

What is an Ignition Interlock License?

Before a DUI offender’s license restoration eligibility date, PennDOT will mail them a restoration requirements letter. The letter  include an application for an ignition interlock license and information on how to find an interlock vendor.  If PennDOT issues the offender the license, that the person can operate a vehicle—but only the one equipped with an ignition interlock system. The fee for the license  varies. 

An interlock license has a red banner on it behind the word “Pennsylvania” and has the words “LIMITED LICENSE” towards the top of the license, and the words “IGNITION INTERLOCK” in the yellow map of Pennsylvania.  From the date the  interlock license is issued to the time the regular license is issued, an offender can not drive, operate, or be in actual physical control of the movement of any motor vehicle which is not equipped with the ignition Interlock system.

Who is Eligible for an Ignition Interlock Limited License (ILL)?

You are ELIGIBLE for an ILL if:

  • You are suspended/revoked for a DUI in Pa or a DUI in another state, or you are suspended/revoked for refusing a chemical test.

Note:  You must present proof to PennDOT that any vehicle that will be operated by you is equipped with an approved ignition interlock system.

You are NOT ELIGIBLE for an ILL if:

  • You were not previously licensed in a state;
  • You are required to take a driving examination;
  • You have your driving privilege cancelled/recalled.
  • You have a outstanding judgment resulting from a motor vehicle accident;
  • You are applying for an IILL to operate a commercial vehicle;
  • You are are disqualified under the Commercial Motor Vehicle Safety Act or the Motor Carrier Safety Improvement Act; or
  • You were convicted Homicide by Vehicle or Homicide by Vehicle While DUI, and the suspension for which you are applying for the ILL occurs as a result.

How Long Must I Wait to Qualify for an Ignition Interlock Limited License

General Tier DUI – General Impairment DUI or BAC of .08-.099%

High (middle) Tier DUI – DUI for Minors with BAC of .02%, BAC of .10-.159% or General Impairment DUI with Accident Causing Injury or Property Damage

Highest Tier DUI – DUI with .16% BAC or Higher, DUI with Drugs, or DUI Refusal of Blood or Breath Test

DUI Chemical Test Refusal/3rd or Subsequent DUI : 18 month suspension, of which you must serve 9 months suspension before you may obtain an ignition interlock limited license.


How to apply for Ignition Interlock Limited License?


A petition is required to be filed via certified mail with PennDOT.  Along with the petition proof of the interlock system installation for the vehicles that the petitioner will drive is required. The petitioner must also:

PennDOT has up to 20 days to approve or deny the petition.


Getting Back Your Unrestricted Driver’s License


At the end ignition interlock limited license period, the vendor who installed your device will have to certify to PennDOT the following in order or you to obtain your unrestricted driver’s license:

If you fail any of the above conditions your interlock requirements will be extended.